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What is
Discipleland Online?

What It Is

Our aim is to introduce kids to a personal relationship with Jesus, through age-appropriate and interactive lessons – now available online.

Our mission, as the Kids Church of Imagine Church, is that we exist to Disciple children into totally committed Christ followers.

Kids will be able to watch:

  • An interactive lesson video, appropriate for their age, that will range from 30-35 minutes.

  • Praise and Worship with motion videos to sing and dance along with.

  • Interactive discussion points and questions.

  • A memory verse.

Downloadable Home Content

Why not make sure you have something to keep you going every day of the week!
Our downloadable content includes:

  • Activities
  • Memory Verses
  • Adventure Books
  • Challenge Cards
  • and much more, here!

Weekly Activities

We got you covered
during the week too!

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Weekly Content

Weekly Lessons